Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cats > alarm clocks

Chika has now proven beyond a doubt that cats are better than alarm clocks. How? Well…
I'm asleep in my room, and at about 12:00 PM, I wake up to these rustling noises. Guess who? … … … … … Chika! I almost go back to sleep, but then I change my mind and go open the shades of the big window in my room so that Chika can look outside. Now I do a couple other things, then say, “Hey Chika! Wanna come downstairs?” and then go downstairs. Of course, she stayed in my room for a little while to finish looking out the window.
Please note that the proof is not scientific. Plus, I'm a pretty light sleeper sometimes. All I'm really trying to do here is be amusing. The anecdote is true, though. :)


  1. I had a cat that would wake me up just before the alarm clock went off at 6:30 AM, but only on the days I had to work. He left me alone on Saturday and Sunday. Smart cat.

  2. Actually, to *be* scientific about it, there have been studies that
    indicate people your age are more likely to awake to, say, a human
    voice, than a smoke alarm in the case of a fire. So I'm not surprised
    you find Chika to be the perfect alarm clock. :)

  3. response to _____'s comment:

    elennar: I bet that what happened was: The cat was annoyed the alarm. He figured that if he woke you up before the alarm beeped, then you would stop the alarm from beeping. In other words, he might have woken you up so that he wouldn't be annoyed by the alarm.
    He most likely also had a very good "internal clock."
    BTW, what's the cat's name?

    apocryfeline: In that case, I probably should have said "this proof" instead of "the proof" :)
