Saturday, February 14, 2009

Crazy cat

OK, so I haven't been updating my blogs for a while. (See "my other blog" @ for more info. It's in the first post on February 14, 2009, aka: today.)
But on another note, Chika's started acting really crazy. And by really crazy, I mean extremely crazy. Crazier than normal crazy. When she gets catnip, it seems to take a little while before she actually reacts to it. (Although that's more odd than crazy.) But now for an extremely crazier Chika (who is still OK):
OK, so you see where she is on those steps, right?

Well, last night, this happened: OK, so I'm at the dinner table (to my right when I took that pic) when all of a sudden I hear this *thump* behind me. She landed approximately where the toy mouse is (I couldn't get her to cooperate for a picture, so this will have to do).

My imediate reaction was: "Chika, are you okay?"
BTW, that's about 7 feet down. So yeah. Definitely oops. [speaking to Chika] Chika, it's a good thing you're a cat and always land on your feet, because otherwise… Oh, wait. If you weren't a cat you probably wouldn't have been playing up there in the first place.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chika now has happy points :-)

I gave Chika happy points. Earlier today (around noon, I think), I opened the curtain and shades of my big window. She looked outside for a couple of hours or so. Then, for some crazy reason, she decided to go under my bed and stay there for another couple of hours or so.
2 things must be known in order for the window part to make more sense.
1. Chika really likes looking out windows.
2. She hadn't looked out a window for quite a while (a couple months at least) until earlier today.

Note (Added February 14, 2009): I have replied to apocryfeline's comment by commenting on this post.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New toy poofed

Only yesterday, my mom bought a new toy mouse for Chika. Next day? Can't find it. Silly cat (;-P) I bet that's why you keep wanting new toys.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

… Chika, you're crazy.

Chika sleeping on my mom's desk:
Chika sleeping behind the couch halfway under a blanket:

Friday, January 2, 2009


Kitten in a basket. Comes with a side of fries.
What happens when they run out of baskets and fries?
Cat in a box. Comes with a side of popcorn.
(Please note: I am only being silly. I would never actually put either "item" on a menu.)